“Modern Chinese Cuisine”
We all know of Tex-Mex, then there is real Mexican food. Well, as an authentic Chinese kitchen, we’d like to introduce you to what we call our rival: ChinAmerican. Being of Asian descent and having the reference point of real Chinese food, we affectionately coined the term as the Chinese equivalent of Tex-Mex. Not that ChinAmerican food can’t be delicious, any less than a Giant burrito can’t be - it’s just that it’s not the same. At StiX, we delve into our cultural roots to serve Chinese cuisine the way you would have it in China (minus the 13+ hour flight). Many of our dishes you’ll still recognize, just with that authentic touch. It’s like having tacos on the streets of Guadalajara vs. at Taco Cabana. Once you’ve tasted the amazing flavor like a Chinese grandma used to make, you’ll be converted away from ChinAmerican forever. We may even inspire you to take that 13+ hour flight to get more where this came from!